Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Little Background

We bought a block of land in July 2006 and sold our house in December 2006. We didn't start building until August 2008. When we were renovating our last house I quite firmly (well I thought it was firmly) said that I didn't want to renovate again until we were old and had more time (not sure if you actually have more time when you're old but at least it meant putting off the renovations for several more years!). When we bought the land I again quite firmly (so I thought) said only if we get someone else to build it. Then we got pricing and the tiny little house with no garage that the project homes were offering just wasn't going to cut it. So we embarked on finding another way. We actually put the land on the market for a couple of weeks...maybe months... the real estate was hopeless though, never advertised, never showed anyone. So we thought we'd better find a better way to build a house that would see us through the next 20 years or so. So Dale (hubby) quite firmly (I guess he meant it) said we were going to build a house and he was going to be the builder!! AAHHHHHHGGGG.... What were we in for.... I'll try to catch up as we are now 1/2 way though building - not quite at lock up. Dale has run out of holidays but he keeps telling me there's not much more to do.......

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