Friday, March 6, 2009

Brickie Trouble

Why is it that every trade seems to bag out the others? You'd think they'd have some sort of tradie bond!! Each trade seems to say that the other trades did a bad job or didn't think about other tradies. So much whinging!!

We are having a bit of trouble with the brickie - he has decided the job is alot harder than he thought - the scaffolding is too far away from the house, the slab is not even, there isn't enough room at the sides of the house etc etc etc. So he now wants a daily rate instead of a per 1000 rate.

We are currently looking at other options ie. new brickie and getting quotes in. We just can't afford such a big blow out and it looks like there are other brickies around who don't see the problems in the same way ie. not problems at all. Unfortunatly this will delay everything by several weeks as the new Brickie can't start for another 3 weeks. Oh well there is still plenty to do!! Here are some more photos.

Looking past the dining room window.

Looking back the other way down the side of the garage.

The bricks are not as nice wet.

Our bricks dry - note the mortar colour is just like Surfmist!!!

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